Friday, January 27, 2017

Accelerated Reader

Are you a school that uses the Accelerated Reader program? Did you know that myON offers supports for AR? By using the advanced search filter (ATOS tab) you can find titles within the Accelerated Reader program as well as information like ATOS level, quiz number and points. You also have the ability to enable a direct link to the Accelerated Reader quiz once the book has been finished by the student. The students will find the link on the book quiz page. (See bottom picture)

If you are an existing Accelerated Reader customer and would like to enable AR for your students, you must enter your unique Renaissance ID number (RPID) on the building or district administrator site. Click HERE for instructions on how to link AR with your myON account.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Second Million

Today Arizona 3rd graders hit the 2 million mark!  That's over 2 million minutes read on myON in just 3 short weeks! I'm not going to lie. The second million tastes even sweeter than the first! 

Round 1 Has Begun!

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to all of the 68 AZ schools that have moved on to Round 1!  You guys rock!  Don't let up now. We are just getting started and the competition is fierce! Round 1 goes until 11:59pm on February 7. Only the top 8 schools in each region will move on to Round 2. Please note that the time does NOT reset each round. It is cumulative throughout the contest.

We are so proud of every 3rd grader and school that has been reading! Way to represent Arizona! Even if you are not one of the top 68 schools to move on there are still plenty of reasons to keep reading.

Reason 1- There are no losers when kids are reading!
Reason 2- The top 5 readers in every region still have a chance to win!
Reason 3- Everyone has access to myON until August 31!  That means that there are still plenty of great books that haven't been read!
Reason 4- Last year in Houston they read over 9 million minutes. Arizona can do better than that. Let's show them that there is something bigger in Arizona than in Texas!
Reason 5- Reading makes us smarter and who doesn't want to be smarter?!

So keep reading, keep getting smarter, and keep making Arizona proud!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The First Round Starts Tomorrow!

The first round of the Read to the Final Four Literacy Challenge starts tomorrow! You have until 11:59pm tonight to squeeze in those last few minutes of reading.  At 12:00am Wednesday, January 25th, the top 17 schools in each of the 4 regions will advance to the first round. Those schools will be announced in a special press conference that will be held at 10:30 tomorrow morning. Students and teachers will also be able to find the information on the contest page. As schools advance into the first round, their time spent reading will NOT be reset. All minutes read are cumulative.

Good luck 3rd graders and HAPPY READING!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Questions About Time Spent Reading

This is a common question I get from teachers about time spent reading.

"When my students log in to myON it shows that they read X amount of minutes but, when they get to the contest page it shows less time read."


myON will track students' reading time for their entire history on myON. They will be able to see that information on their dashboard and in their activity.

If they want to see how many minutes they have read during the contest period (which started Jan. 4th) they will need to hit the contest button and go to the contest page. Only the minutes read from Jan. 4 will count as minutes read during the contest. If your students started reading before January 4 those minutes will be included in their minutes read in myON, but will not count for the contest.

If you have any other questions please feel free to call or email me.